Identity Theft - Do You Know Where Your Personal Info Is?

The sad fact is that there is nothing that you can do to prevent your information from being stolen. No matter how careful you are in shredding documents, protecting a pass word, social security or pin number, or on the internet, or what you do personally to protect your information, there is information about yourself you cannot control. Your information can't be controlled and when dealing with protecting yourself from identity theft credit monitoring isn't enough.

An easy way to lessen the chance of your identity being stolen is to get onto the opt-out lists. It will also lessen the aggravating dinner time telemarketing calls and cut down on the amount of junk mail you get. Identity Theft is less risky, incredibly easy, and highly profitable as compared to most other crimes. A thief who robs you at gunpoint and is caught is likely to be sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison. In comparison, an identity thief who steals your identity, opens multiple accounts and gets medical treatment in your name then accrues tens of thousands of dollars in fraudulent debt will likely get probation if they are ever caught.

You can and should elect to opt-out of pre-approved offers and marketing lists sold by the credit bureaus. Your personal information is in a number of data bases, and it is constantly being sold, traded and bought. At any time a database with your information can be hacked, or a computer can be stolen containing your information. Your information is also being stored in doctors offices and many types of businesses you deal with every day. Thieves break into the businesses not to steal the goods or property, but to steal your information right from the files stored in these places.

I was in the US Air Force when I got a letter from the government stating it had lost a computer. You may think so what people lose stuff all the time. That computer had all of my personal information on it. This is when I started to pay attention to the problem of identity theft. I have put in many hour of my time studying what identity theft is and how to fight it. I have even become a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist. If I can help you with any questions about identity theft call me direct at 281-288-5884 or just email me

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